Below you will find answers to some of Dover Township’s most Frequently Asked Questions:

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Zoning and Building

Many projects related to home or property improvement do require permits.  Sheds 100 to 999 square feet require a zoning permit.  Zoning permits are also required for fencing, patios, decks under 30”, and some driveway repairs.

Larger accessory structures such as garages, pole buildings, additions, decks over 30” and pools require building permits.

The permit applications are the same and both require site plans, although building permits require two sets of specs to be submitted along with the application.

Fees for zoning permits are $50.00 plus any stormwater fee. Fees for building permits start at $50.00 (for a project with an estimated cost of less than $8,500.00); or $7.00 per each $1,000.00 of estimated cost of the project plus plan review fees and inspection costs, determined by our Third-Party Inspection Agency plus any stormwater fee.


Many cosmetic home improvements do not require permits.

These projects may include:

  • replacement doors or windows with the same size doors or windows and no structural alterations.
  • replacing shingled roofing, including felt paper underlayment, flashing, gutters and downspouts with no structural alterations.
  • replacing siding with no structural alterations.
  • finishing basements that do not include bedrooms.  Mechanicals need to be sized appropriately for additional conditioned space.


In addition, any new project creating impervious area will require a Stormwater Permit Application, possible stormwater management for the project and a stormwater fee associated with the project.



To assist you in planning your project, we have created the Dover Township Interactive Zoning Map where you are able to locate your property, determine necessary setbacks, and even take measurements through the interactive GIS tools found on the site. Please don’t hesitate to call the Zoning & Building Department at (717) 292-3634 if you have questions or for clarifications.

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If you own a property in Dover Township and have tenants living in your property, it is your responsibility to contact Dover Township to make sure that we have the correct information in our system.  We need your mailing address, your phone number and the contact information for your tenants.  The water and sewer bills must remain in your name, as they are lienable items.  Ultimately, you are financially responsible for the utility account.

Having the contact information for your tenants is crucial to Dover Township, so that we can contact our residents in the case of an emergency.  We thank you for working with us to make sure that all our residents stay safe and informed.

If you are renting a property in Dover Township, please contact us to make sure that we have your correct information in our system.  This information is vital if we need to contact you in the case of an emergency, a boil water advisory, or situations regarding the utility account.  We thank you for your cooperation.

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Driveway permits are necessary if located within a public right of way. A driveway may not exceed 24 ft measured at the street right-of-way line nor less than 10 ft. Driveways must also be paved at least 25 ft from the street right-of-way line of all public streets. All other requirements can be found in §21-403: Driveways.


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The Property Owner and his/her Contractor are responsible to see that the structural BMP is constructed according to Township specifications and requirements. Dover Township will require a construction phase inspection to verify that these are being met.

The Small Project Stormwater Management Permit will also list the Property Owner’s responsibilities to Maintain and Inspect Structural BMPs.

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A Stormwater Management (SWM) Permit Application must be completed for any improvements that will result in 100 square feet or more of new impervious (water cannot get through) surface.  Examples would include sheds, home additions, patios and driveways. A copy of our Stormwater Management Permit Application can be obtained by clicking the following link:

SWM Permit Application

The SWM application is typically completed at the time a building permit application is completed. Following the completion of a SWM application, Township Staff will utilize the following criteria in reviewing the application and information provided as part of the building permit application.


  • Will the project result in 1000 square feet or more of new impervious surface?
    • Yes, the applicant will be required to provide a SWM Site Plan which will require the services of a qualified professional. The completed SWM Site Plan will then need to be reviewed and approved by the Township Engineer before Township Staff can issue a SWM Permit.
    • No, Township Staff will review the SWM Application and will work with the Property Owner and/or Contractor to determine the Best Management Practice (BMP) to be used for managing rainwater runoff from the new impervious surface.


  • Does the project site qualify as a Disconnected Impervious Area (DIA)?
    • Yes, there are adequate on-site conditions to ensure that runoff from the new impervious surface will infiltrate into the soil and not leave the property. A slope of less than 5%, no more than 500 SF of roof drainage discharged to any one point, and a flow path greater than 75 feet would constitute adequate on-site conditions. If the site is approved for a DIA, the completion of an SWM Permit will not be required.
    • No, some form of Structural BMP will be required such as infiltration beds, infiltration trenches, and/or Rain Gardens. The completion of a SWM Permit will be required.


A copy of our SWM Small Project Guide can be obtained by clicking on the following link:

SWM Small Project Guide

Our SWM Small Project Guide describes the on-site conditions necessary to qualify for a Disconnected Impervious Area (DIA) along with specifications and diagrams of the structural BMPs (beds, trenches, and Rain Gardens) that Township Staff can approve and permit.

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It depends what zone you are in.  Chickens are not permitted in any Residential Zone. To check which zone you are in, please use the interactive Zoning Map.

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You have 24 hours from the time the snow stops to clear your sidewalk.  Snow or ice shall be completely cleared from the sidewalk to a width of not less than 36 inches.


No person removing snow or ice from a public sidewalk or removing snow or ice from any portion of the property shall deposit such snow or ice in or upon any public street between the curb lines of such street.

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Dover Township does not require a permit to hold a yard sale.

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To open a business, please call the Zoning Office for specifics (717) 292-3634.  Many businesses need to go through Zoning approvals. Others just need a simple “USE” certificate.

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Signs are not permitted along any Township or State owned Right of Way areas or on utility poles.  You may advertise on your property or on a friends/neighbors property with permission.

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It depends what type of sign is involved such as free standing, banners or shared signs for a complex.  Call the Zoning Department or go online and check the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 27 Part 8.

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According to the Dover Township Property Maintenance Code adopted in 2007, all premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve (12) inches. Please contact the Codes Enforcement Department with addresses and concerns.  We will explain the procedure and start the process to bring a property into compliance.

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On October 1, 2005, the Dover Township Supervisors enacted Ordinance No. 2005-05, The Sewage Management Program Ordinance.  This ordinance requires the inspection and pumping of all septic tanks in Dover Township, once every four (4) years.

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If the un-registered vehicle is not parked on the street but on a driveway or somewhere on the property, please contact the Zoning Office 717-292-3634.


If the un-registered vehicle is parked on the public street, please contact Northern York County Regional Police Department at 717-292-3647 (this is a non-emergency number).


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Dover Township Code of Ordinances #2005-08 as amended Chapter 10, Section 602 2B states,

“Owning, possessing, harboring or controlling any animal which barks, bays, cries, squawks or makes any other noise continuously and/or intermittently for ½ hour or more, which annoys or disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities is not permitted.”

You should call 911 and ask for the Northern York County Regional Police Department to report this situation.

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The Zoning Department recommends you trying to talk to your neighbor with the dog and express that you do not want the dog coming onto your property.  If the neighbor continues to allow the dog to enter your property, call 911 and ask for the Northern York County Regional Police Department.  All dogs must be under control of their owners at all times under the PA State Dog Laws.

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When houses are approved they are approved with the condition of having two (2) off street parking spaces.  If you can park your camper/RV/Boat in the driveway and not have to park one of your vehicles along the street, then yes, you can park it on your driveway.  Please refer to Dover Township Zoning Ordinance #27-710 2B.

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