Zoning Hearing Board

The Dover Township Zoning Hearing Board is a five member Board. This body is a Quasi Judicial Body whose authority is granted by the Municipal Planning Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There is one alternate member. The term is a five year staggered term. Local authority and guide line of operational decision is established by the Dover Township Zoning Ordinance and the Dover Township Comprehensive Plan. Meetings are held on an as-needed basis (if an application is received) at the Township Municipal Building, 2480 West Canal Road, Dover, Pennsylvania, at 7:00 PM on the third (3rd) Wednesday of the month.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To accept, review, hear testimony, and act on all applications received for Zoning matters such as specials exceptions, variances, and appeals from the Zoning Officer’s determination

Current Members:

  • Jane K. Ginter, Chairperson
  • Robert Wright, Vice Chair
  • Johnathan Reynolds, Chair Pro Tem
  • Richard Pope, Member
  • Gina Myers, Member
  • Vacancy – Alternate
Current Zoning Hearing Applications:
**PLEASE NOTE: Due to file sizes, the entire submission may not be available on our website. A full application is available for public review at our front desk during normal business hours, 8am – 4:30pm. Information found in the links below are intended to provide the general scope of the application only. For more information, please call us at 717-292-3634.


Meeting Minutes Available Here


Other Boards, Committees, Commissions and Authorities