How can residents and/or system users help?

Dispose of household products safely. Don’t pour solvents, pesticides, paint thinners, engine oil, or household cleaning products with hazardous chemicals down the drain or into a storm sewer. Take them to a recycling center or hazardous waste collection site. Cooking oils and grease should be collected in a container, covered,…

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What is sewage and where does it come from?

Sewage, also called wastewater, is the contaminated water from homes, schools, and businesses.  It comes from toilets, showers, clothes washers, dishwashers, etc.  The contaminants include fecal matter, urine, soaps, detergents, food particles, hair, rags, paper, toys, dead goldfish, and anything else that is disposed in a drain.  A person creates…

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What payment options do we offer?

We accept check, cash and money order. Credit card payments can be made online via the website here (a nominal service fee will be applied to your bill). Payments can be made: Online By Credit Card (a 3% service fee will be charged.) To access your account online, you will need your…

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