Below you will find answers to some of Dover Township’s most Frequently Asked Questions:
The elected Tax Collector has a duty to collect current year taxes for three separate organizations. They are the Dover Area School District, York County and Dover Township. The Tax Collector collects the real estate taxes for all three of these entities.
As of 2016, the per capita has been repealed.
Delinquent Real Estate taxes are turned over to the York County Tax Claim Bureau at year end.
The Tax Collector can be reached at (717) 292-4046
The Tax Collector’s hours are:
Office Hours (as of 09-15-20):
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9am to 4pm
A drop box has been provided for your convenience in the front of the office for after hours.
The Dover Township and York County real estate tax bills are mailed by February 15th each year. They are usually mailed in the same envelope. The bill includes a municipal tax line item (Dover Township) and a county tax line item (York County).
Dover Area School District Taxes are mailed by July 15th of each year.
Where do I go to pay my real estate taxes?
The elected Tax Collector has an office at the Dover Township Community Building located 3700 Davidsburg Road, Dover, PA 17315.
York Adams Tax Bureau is the appointed tax collector of all payroll related taxes for Dover Township and Dover Area School District. This includes the Earned Income Tax (EIT) and Local Service Tax (LST).
The EIT Tax is charged at 1.4 % of your earnings. Dover Area School District received .9% and Dover Township receives .5% of this figure.
The LST Tax is a flat $52.00 tax.
YATB is also the collector of all Business Privilege and Mercantile taxes for Dover Township.
Please visit the York Adams Tax Bureau at their website:
The process begins by speaking to the Zoning Officer to determine if you need anything special in relationship to what type of business it is and its location. Once that has occurred, a USE Certificate is issued. This information is shared with the York/Adams Tax Bureau (YATB). The YATB will issue a license under the Township’s Mercantile/Business Privilege Tax requirements. The YATB is the collector of this tax. More information can be obtained at